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  • Writer's pictureLinda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT

If you don’t start, you can’t fail- Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

It’s still January, the queen of all resolution months, and yet most of the spaces are now free at the gym and our shiny new year is moving quite rapidly into “business as usual”. What happened to the workout?

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“If you don’t start, you can’t fail”. How true is this statement for you? I’m not a fan of resolutions myself, but commitment, discipline and determination I can get totally behind. Exercise is just one of those things that if not started, can never work its magic on a woman’s body and mind.

Starting an exercise program is always the hardest part. I love my warm bed, cuddling with the kitties and stretching leisurely, but do it very infrequently. Mostly (at least 6 mornings a week) I toss off the covers, bare the chill and truck down to my gym/office to do my workout.

So, here’s three ways to get started, and as fitness guru Tony Horton loves to say “do your best, and forget the rest!”

  • Plan for a successful workout.It doesn’t take much to derail most people, so don’t let making a decision about Pilates or spinning- strength training or yoga, trip you up. Get a workout schedule established so you don’t have to think about what body parts are being exercised that day.

  • Commit to five minutes.What?Five minutes of exercise?Yep.This “mini contract” lets you off the hook when you stumble into the gym or splash into the pool.You only have to do five minutes and reevaluateyour decision.After five minutes, your body and your mind are present in the power of the workout and most likely you’ll just truck on until your session is complete.

  • There really is no “fail” in exercise.A little is good, more is better.So, when your daily schedule gets way out of whack and exercise doesn’t make the cut, do some five and ten minute “fitness sparks” to guide you through your crisis, work project or busy travel schedule.

If you don’t start, you can’ feel the total body confidence and positive benefits of moving your body. Forget about the option for failure and congratulate yourself any and every time you move with a fitness intention. A little rusty and need a hand starting your fitness plan? Happy to help.

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