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  • Writer's pictureLinda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT

Muscles and Mascara - FitTraining Blog for Women 40, 50, and beyond.

muscles women over 40.JPG

What do you think when you see this? Here's what comes up for me:

  1. Along with mascara, which is well known to enhance the look and size of a women's beautiful eyes, muscles enhance her body and soul. Women who exercise have a tight, toned body providing improved health AND confidence, no matter their age.

  2. When I was in a running triad (two of my male co-workers and I would run 2-3x a day) I would often see my mascara running down my face with heat and exertion. The moral of the story for any gals - let's not put cosmetics and our beauty regime in front of our health. Sweat is a healthy and there is makeup remover for touching up "racoon eyes."

In summary, Muscles and Mascara? Well, sure, these two terms go splendidly together. Many women over 40 gauge their beauty by outward appearances with makeup and hair that is perfect. These beauty products are expensive! I'd rather see women 40, 50 and above spend time and a little money investing in their strength training, cardiovascular health, flexibilty and balance vs the latest lash lengthening mascara. <wink wink>

Good health and strong muscles is sexy and beautiful. Enjoy!

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