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  • Writer's pictureLinda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT

Keep your eye on the road ahead- Fit Training

Keeping your eye on the road is important when you are biking on the open road. Not only for safety, but to accomplish the goal of the ride.

Have you ever been overwhelmed by a huge hill ahead? I have!

Here are three steps to reaching the summit without stopping or worse, quitting and walking the bike. Hang with me, there's a point here even if you ARE NOT a biker!

1. Look only three feet ahead of you -- only focus on the next three feet. Looking up to the top of the hill (if you can even see it!) only serves to feed your fear, frustrations and feeling of inadequacy ("I just know I can't make it!")

2. Create a chant or rhythmic approach to your strokes. Having your breath aligned with your movements helps calm you and provides even strength to power on. (" I CAN do it, I CAN do it...")

3. Relax and don't fight the bike. Our shoulders and neck tend to hold tremendous stress in these situations, use conscious thoughts to relax your muscles and move fluidly into the hill.

So, I did promise a lesson, right? No matter what that hill is for you literally, like my bike example, or figuratively like dealing with a bad relationship, job stress or medical issue, this three step process can help.

Focusing on the "near term" - the next three feet- can help you power through adversity, make progress and continue to move toward your goal, versus giving up way too early.

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