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  • Writer's pictureLinda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT

Create Your Own Personal Rewards Program!

By Linda T. Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

Look in your wallet, on your keychain or under your car’s seat, and you’ll find them; a selection of rewards cards. I love them, do you? Customer loyalty programs get and keep you coming back- for coffee, manicures, discounts and special offers.

Did you ever think of your personal fitness in terms of rewards? Why not? Being more fit creates a “pay it forward” strategy that can enable you to have the best rewards possible- a longer, healthier and happier life.

Isn’t that better than a free cup of sugar laden coffee that simply puts fat on your hips?

I help my clients create their personal health and fitness rewards programs and you can create yours, too! Here’s how you can start:

1- Identify your goals: Want to feel better in your clothes? Climb a flight of stairs without being breathless? Bring a stronger body to your treatments?

2-Decide what you’ll enjoy: Do you like dancing? Biking? The trampoline? All physical activities can be modified to your personal fitness level. Can’t do a popular ever high intensity workout like P90X*? Try something like Kathy Smiths Project: YOU! Type 2* with a gentle workout for a fitness newbie. Can’t direct your own in home or gym program? A certified cancer exercise trainer is available in your area to help you.

3-Get started: A few minutes a day can make a terrific difference in your body, your mind and your zest for life.

And, that’s truly the best reward you can earn!

*Trademarks of BeachBody.

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