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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

Fitness in 48 inches- Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

“I just don’t have room to exercise” is a lament I hear from many folks when weather keeps them indoors and the gym isn’t on their “go to” list.

I love a challenge and the ability to help my clients make positive lifestyle changes, so through the years I have determined that you only need 48 inches for a great in home workout. If you can find enough floor space to stretch out the length of your body, that’s a plus.

I’ll tell you a secret. I used to be a gym rat, but since I discovered how effective, fun and time efficient in home fitness DVD’s are, I go only once a week to visit my gym friends. Getting to the gym requires contact lenses, teeth brushing and a touch of a cosmetics, not to mention the appropriate workout wear. It takes time to prepare, drive and then you can start your daily exercise. What if you don’t have that time?

Now, many of my clients bound out of bed (if you aren’t bounding out of bed each morning, let’s talk) and get right to their workout, even in their PJ’s and bed hair. It’s a beautiful thing in this time starved society to be able to do something as important as exercise when time is scarce.

Here are three things you can do with a 48 inch space and a few minutes:

1. Walk or march in place. Any activity where your feet hit the floor is weight bearing (about 3x your body weight) and is critical for older women to maintain bone density. Find your favorite playlist and wake up walking.

2. Squat and kick. Your largest muscle groups are in your lower body, so be sure to keep them strong and agile. Safe squats and kicks – even combining the two also becomes aerobic when you do them more swiftly.

3. Stand and stretch. Yoga poses like tree and chair are fabulous ways to connect to the earth for a productive, healthy day ahead. Healthy posture is a sign of youth.

Your mission is to find your 48 inches to fit some fitness into your home or office- you will be amazed how much exercise space you can find! For some great personal recommendations on which DVD’s may suit your time and physical needs, I’m here to help.

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