It's true, we're all Stuck At Home- for how long? Really can't tell. Offices and entire school systems were forced to move everything virtual- it took less than a week to make the transition! Americans are resilient, resourceful and ready to take on the At Home challenge.
Analysts predicted it would take another five to ten years for us to make this change. Wow.
Are you now considering working out at home now that your gym, pool, dojo, center, class or club is closed?
Great! In home exercise can be a very effective way to reduce stress, gain muscle and aerobic strength and whittle your waist... but here's the thing - you actually have to DO IT, not only add it to your to do list as an INTENTION where it lives as a good idea- as the days and weeks pass.
It takes two weeks to lose muscle mass and begin to forget the habit of healthy movement- how long have you been sitting on that couch binge watching Netflix, social media or the News?
It's so wonderful that you can tap into thousands of free, online exercise and fitness resources during this crazy time. More are being shared/uploaded every day. You can take Zumba, learn to Cha Cha, participate in Extreme Home Workouts , Jump Rope, Bike or Walk miles in your home cocoon.
The problem is, most people won't.
They won't click on the link and dance with that cute Zumba instructor, won't do Burpees with Shaun T, or walk with Leslie Sansone.
That's why it's thrilling to see the SHIFT HAPPEN toward virtual fitness coaching- It's been here all along (Just ask my clients from PA, NY and FLA), but now clients are clamoring for exercises, accountability, and professional coaching from their own home via Zoom, FaceTime, Email or even a thing called the Telephone.
How can I help YOU use this time to get and stay fit? To create an in home exercise program customized for you - not some template or magazine workout? Ready to make a SHIFT Happen? Let's talk!