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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CE


Happy Amazon PRIME day! Wouldn't it be NICE if your fit and healthy body could be delivered in two days, or less? Would you subscribe to the service? Me, too!

In today's world, being fit and healthy, although augmented and helped along by technology, is still an "old school" activity.

Yeah, you still have to do the exercise. No bot, app or emoji can do it for you. Bummer, right?

Not so fast....

There are three major reasons why you want to consider doing exercise or amping up your fitness program, starting today:

1. Your body was built to move and breaks down, if you don't. If your car was left to sit all day and night would it perform at its best? Nope. It would have flat tires, mice living in the muffler and probably wouldn't start at all. Your car would rust and fall apart. It wouldn't look or run well- inactivity acts the same way for your body's health.

2. Your mind will sharpen and be more focused. In our fast paced, digitally social world, our attention is pulled in many different directions, taking away from the spectacular power of focus. Yet, we are challenged to do more with less! Exercise helps to free your mind for creative thinking, problem solving and contributes to your highest productivity. A win!

3. You will manage stress better. Got stress? Sitting all day, pressure to do more with less at work and get everything else done at home, 24/7 connectivity leaves little time to rest, relax and reset. Exercise helps express internal stress and allows you to reclaim calm.

Sadly, none of these benefits will be delivered in two days, but know that the minute your body begins to move in a healthy, joyful manner, things start to change in a good way!

Just a few minutes a day of physical movement will deliver great benefits with no shipping box needed.

Need a coach to help you with your health and fitness delivery systems? I'm on call!

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