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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

"I was doing great until..." - Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

As a veteran personal trainer who works with lots of folks (mostly women) over the age of 40, 50+ I've heard this way too often..."I was doing great until... Have you said this lately too?

You know how it goes, you are on a good track, eating well, moving more, maybe even lifting weights, then something happens...

You have to work late for a week on a project, you missed your workouts during the holidays or your life gets turned upside down something else. Uh oh....your "good" cycle is over, in favor of a not-so-healthy one.

Hey, I get it! We don't live in a black or white world; we live in the gray- a space where things are always changing and the next health and fitness trip-up is just around the corner.

You might also tend to put others first, so that sick child, car that needs service or community event you volunteered for gets your attention before you take care of yourself.

It's important to let go the perception of perfection and get back in a healthier groove. The New Year is almost here and I implore you NOT to make sweeping resolutions (that 97% of Americans do not keep).

Here are a few positive, affirming statements from Health magazine to assist you in making small changes to reap large results:

- I commit to keeping a daily journal that tracks my progress and forgives my slipups.

- I realize this is a daily work-in-progress and accept that creating a practice of self care is important for a mental and physical transformation.

- I will strive to take healthy action and not ruminate, bitch, moan or whine.

That last statement is a doozy, no? Committing to healthy changes also requires you to "call out" the times that you made other-than-healthy choices, and eliminate whining about it.

Need help getting or staying on a healthy and fit track? In a brief phone call you'll know whether it makes sense to add me to your accountability team. Happy 2017!

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