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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

Be Merry... Maintain! - Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

It's the time of year when every office desk is spilling over with candy, cookies and gingerbread. Many of you are attending more than one holiday event per week/weekend and your careful eating might have been replaced with sugar abandon not to mention hours in front of Hallmark TV.

OK, let's not fret. Just maintaining

for the holiday season is a huge win. Here's a few ideas to make maintaining easier:

1. No time for the gym? Park in the last spot in the mall lot and walk around the entire expanse of stores and kiosks before checking off your gift list. True, you won't be spending an hour on the treadmill, but you will add steps to your tracker and be active without feeling guilty about eschewing the gym.

2. Drink more water. Water is a great quencher, of thirst and hunger. Be sure to up your water intake during the holidays, which in the Northeast is also a time when indoor dry air causes lots of bronchial discomfort. Clean water is a gift, and don't forget to take advantage of it.

3. Take that nap. Late party nights and work nights to make up for time off or pushing for a 2016 project finish take a toll on your health and fitness. Enjoy a few winks when you can to be sure you are operating at your best and not using eggnog as a wake up tonic.

Need help with a gift for self?

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