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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

Life's Not a Sitcom Done in 22 Minutes- Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

Have you gotten enthralled with one (or more) sitcoms or dramas? It's all too common to be drawn in, isn't it?

The show opens with a "big event" and the rest of the 22 minutes are spent unraveling the story, then usually it's all tidied all up in the end. Bad guys behind bars, lovers reunited or mystery solved.

Here's a newsflash...your life isn't like that. It's not a series of sprints peppered with commercial messages; it's more of a marathon with twists and turns, joy and grief.

Here's where health and fitness come in. If you maintain a healthy body and mind, your life has a better chance of becoming a long running, highly rated series. One that garners accolades and applause, brings you joy and softens the times of sadness.

Eating plant based foods for most of your meals and tossing the ready to eat/processed/chemical laden diet is a smart move. Think of it as your series premier.

Moving your body often in your day- ala stand, sit, stand-with stretching and a few bouts of heavy intensity exercise (strength, cardiovascular) is proven to keep you "camera ready" and contributes to a positive attitude, no matter what the media may say about you.

Eating and moving right help you sleep well. Restful sleep is a super celebrity in the "great life" category.

What are you waiting for? Roll out that red carpet and get ready to strut your best life, ever. Your body not ready for prime time? Give me a call - I might be just the script change you need to alter your storyline.

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