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  • Linda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT, CET

Unfriend your old habits- Fit Training Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

We've all heard the adage, "Old habits die hard."

If I asked you today what health and fitness habits (or lack of) are limiting the life you lead, (and truly shortening your life), I bet more than a few of you might say:

- "My weight!" I can't move like I used to and that makes me feel old!

- " My sugar habit" I don't know how I got used to eating ice cream every day; I know sugar is toxic!

- "My lack of exercise" My family keeps reminding me about how out of breath I get!

Habits are simply repetitive actions or practices that are so ingrained in your life that they are almost never thought of (like when you collapse into your recliner each night in front of the TV or always reaching for the bread basket at dinner).

They essentially become unconscious, as in "I always do this". And, most of these habits feel so good, it naturally makes them excruciatingly hard to stop or decrease.

In this Face Book world, (another habit!) unfriending is a term we are pretty familiar with, so why not consider unfriending one of your unhealthy habits and friending a new one?

Just thinking about your habits allows you to acknowledge they exist so you can logically assess which ones might get you on the best track for improved health.

Here are a couple of examples.... Considering giving up a daily chocolate habit might feel way too much like deprivation, but limiting the portion is doable. A win!

Instead of sitting all day, taking a brief walk every noontime (inside or outdoors) for 5 minutes is an easy way for folks to begin to increase daily activity. Who doesn't have 5 minutes!?

Consider the fun challenge it can be to "unfriend" your worst habits and invite healthier ones into your life- your worth it!

I'm here to help!

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