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  • Writer's pictureLinda T Gottlieb, MA, CPT

“100% Attendance” - FitTraining Blog for Women 40, 50 and Beyond

100% attendance. Doesn’t it sound reasonable?

You get invited to a party you really want to attend, pay for classes you can’t wait to take, or commit to an activity that will create positive results in your business or life… and then… stuff happens and you miss the party, only attend one class out of four and see months go by without engaging in that positive activity.

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Although 100% attendance is a superior goal, it’s simply unrealistic.

Yet, perfection is what many of my clients, maybe you! expect in themselves when starting out or attempting to stick to a nutrition or exercise plan. Even when you understand and accept that perfection isn’t obtainable for flawed humans.

Mid life women today have lots to attend to, maybe more than you did when the kids were little and your career was exploding. Now you can add grandchild care, elder care, retirement planning and managing your digital devices and social networks to that list.

So if you can acknowledge that 100% attendance is simply impossible, let’s get you moving in a direction where less than 100% all the time is OK! Eve

n great!

Here’s my trick.

Underwhelm yourself.

That’s it! Create a goal that, on the surface, looks so easy- and start there. Walk one day at lunch a week. Add one 8 oz glass of filtered water a day to your routine or do 5 push-ups (yes, you can do the girly kind) two times a week.

POW! WHAMMO! A change is made. AND, here’s the beautify part….if you end up walking two times a week or increasing your strength training by adding resistance training, you see yourself as a Rock Star, not a fitness loser.

100% attendance? Not really, but a little fitness and health improvement goes a long way in your busy life as an active woman. Need a professional accountability partner who is on the same path as you- to help you? Give me a shout.

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